Friday, January 28, 2011

Alco-Buddy helping to reduce New Year's Eve drunk driving accidents and DUI's

Alcohol Breathalyzer Vending Machine Being Used in More Establishments This Year

Someone is killed in an alcohol related automobile accident every 50 minutes and someone is injured almost every minute.

Now, a new report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently reported the average number of deaths stemming from alcohol-related motor car crashes was nearly 150 percent higher on New Year’s Eve than the average for the same day of the week during the holiday season greater on New Year's Day than usual.

The AAA report estimates the number of alcohol-related fatalities will be especially high this year, as New Year's Eve falls on a weekend.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a large proportion of people in many states pulled over for DUIs refuse to take an alcohol breathalyzer test.
NHTSA data show that last year, 10,839 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, including 753 in December alone.

Agency trend data have consistently shown an increase in fatalities during the holiday season.

So, what can be done to curb this trend and make the roads safer on a weekend like this one when the data clearly show that there is a high risk of being involved in an alcohol related traffic situation? The Alco Buddy company of Holbrook, NY, believes that they have a solution that can help deter many of these would be drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel after a night of New Year’s Eve revelry. It appears that many establishments who cater to the New Year’s Eve party crowd agree.

Alco-Buddy is a manufacturer of an alcohol breathalyzer vending machine that is installed in establishments that serve alcohol. The premise is simple: a patron, who may or may not be over the legal driving limit, purchase a straw from the Alco Buddy machine, inserts it into the machine and blows into it. The machine, in turn, will provide that person’s BAC (blood alcohol content) before the person ever gets behind the wheel of a car. This process is beneficial to not only the subject in question, but also to other drivers on the roads and the establishment itself. Consider that an Alco Buddy machine:

· May reduce the number of impaired or intoxicated people driving.
· Assists to educate patrons to moderate and appropriately pace their drinking.
· Sets the tone and shows that the establishment cares about their customers.

Alco Buddy has, in the last couple of years, spawned a lot of cheap imitators. Alco Buddy, however, creates a product that is more advanced and of greater quality than any other in the industry. Alco-Buddy sets the standard for excellence in breathalyzer vending machines. The price, quality and overall value of their machine is far superior to any other breathalyzer machine. Through their time and effort invested into their product, they are dedicated to being the best. For more information on Alco Buddy and their product line, please contact
1180 Lincoln Ave Suite 5 Holbrook N.Y.11741, USA.

PHONE NUMBER 1888 (9) alcobuddy (1.888.925.2628)
FAX NUMBER: 631 648 7754

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