Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Revolution in Your Ladies’ Room?

Throughout the history of civilization, the care and keeping of a woman’s hair has been at the pinnacle of fashion’s concerns. And, since fashion is a fickle, fickle thing, women have spent most of history trying to conquer their hair the same way men conquered countries. In this quest for perfect, fashionable hair, many modern women have turned to hair irons.
There is, of course, one major disadvantage to relying on a hair iron to achieve your desired style. This disadvantage lies in that a hair iron is not very portable, no matter the size of a woman’s handbag. Despite this, there are many places where having a hair iron on hand would be extremely helpful – like, for example, the changing rooms at the local gym or pool, or the ladies’ rooms in nightclubs or high schools; anywhere hair can get damp or sweaty, a hair iron could breathe new life into mussed and frizzing locks.

This is where Fashion Vending USA comes in with their Glamour-Buddy, a coin-operated hair iron vending machine. While the idea of the coin-operated vending machine is nothing new, it has never been this easy and profitable to provide. The company’s website ( has a nifty profit calculator so you can see just how much money the Glamour-Buddy can make for you. The Glamour-Buddy also makes a good talking point in your ladies’ rooms, due to the rarity and perceived novelty of the coin-operated hair iron.

What are some of the features of the Glamour-Buddy hair-iron vending machine? Well, first of all, it can hold up to three thousand coins or five hundred bills in the stacker, ensuring a good amount of autonomy. It accepts ones, fives, tens, twenties, and credit cards – though it can be reprogrammed for any currency in the world. Speaking of adaptability, the Glamour-Buddy can also be bilingual, and, if your language isn’t among the pre-set languages listed on the site, Fashion Vending USA will be perfectly happy to help you make your own recording. There is space on the outer casing where you can place your company name and logo, meaning that the Glamour-Buddy’s best advantage, after of course utility, is its ability to be personalized in almost any which way you please.

As for the hair iron inside the Glamour-Buddy, it is made by TAHE Industries, purveyor of professional-quality hair iron. The TAHE iron heats up evenly in under thirty seconds, combining speed and worth into efficiency. The plates on the iron are made of porcelain and tourmaline, which prevents the heat damage that’s so common with all-metal irons. Over all, this is a high-quality iron for a high-quality vending machine.

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